« For four years, I’ve been in every court… I’ve lost my desire to be like other sportsmen. I’ve been humiliated for nothing, I want to be like the other sportsmen but I’m going through humiliation like all my colleagues. But cycling is paying for this because a lot of guys have lost any hope of justice. And I’m suffering with this declaration of truth, writing in my passport-because the world has to decide whether all my fellow cyclists have gone through humiliation, in their rooms with hidden cameras that will destroy families. I don’t know why I stopped myself in these moments of anger if I made mistakes I’d like to know that there is proof, but when my sporting life and above all my private life was violated… I lost a lot.
« Hasta la victoria is a great motto for a sportsman, but it’s much harder to give your whole heart for a sport. I hope my story is an example even for other sports; the rules should be the same for everybody. I was always afraid of being spied on at home, in hotels and by TV cameras. I ended up hurting myself to not give up my intimacy, the intimacy of my girlfriend and of other colleagues who also lost, of other families who like me were attacked. Take a look what a cyclist is… they can’t hurt the families of the athletes. Someone’s dreams can end up shattered by drugs, but only after (ones) sporting life. If some humanity helps us understand and asks what makes us hope, when you make a real mistake you understand and you fight with your heart.
« This document is the truth. My hope is that real men or women can read it and defend equal rules in sport for everybody. I’m not a liar, I feel hurt and everybody who believed in me has to speak out. »
Final words, Marco Pantani
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